Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya launched the ‘The Advantage Health Care India – One Stop Digital Portal For Patient’ and ‘Workforce Mobility’ at One Earth One Health Advantage Healthcare India event at at Gandhinagar today. He stated that the launch of these two portals is not just a milestone for India, but a significant step towards fulfilling our global responsibilities. Further, he added that through these portals, we are offering a tangible solution to some of the most, pressing challenges in healthcare today.
Highlighting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of achieving Universal Health Coverage by imbibing the notions of Sarvodaya and Antyodaya, the Health Minister stated that India has made significant contributions to health globally as well as in its own nation in the fields of primary and digital healthcare. India has always been at the forefront of healthcare innovation.” Dr. Mandaviya further added “Through these portals, we are offering a tangible solution to some of the most pressing challenges in healthcare today.”
Elaborating on the Indian health system, the Health Minister cited that India today is supported by a workforce of 1.3 Million allopathic doctors, 800,000 AYUSH doctors and 3.4 Million nurses & auxiliary nurse and midwives. Through this highly qualified and skilful workforce, India plans to contribute to an organised system of workforce mobility, wherein India’s healthcare professionals travel to different parts of the world, to serve the global community.
He emphasized that “India being a soft power in the traditional system of medicine can play a pivotal role here in mitigation of these alarming changes in health care scenarios.”