Tuesday, October 22, 2024


DD India is a free to air satellite English international news channel of Prasar Bharati. The channel seeks to become a truly Global Public Broadcaster Channel with unique high-quality content and services. The channel is covering diversified field including News & Current affairs, foreign affairs, economy, sports and entertainment based programs with focus on international events. The channel is fast progressing to become an International News Channel of India. The channel caters to diverse viewers from across the World including the Indian Diaspora.

In overseas markets of Cable and Satellite Television, there is huge demand for content of India and at the same time, the Public Service Broadcaster considers that there is large scope in the overseas market in terms of utilizing the available platforms in cable and satellite television.

The channel aims to focus around the core global audience according to the time zones. The channel aims to harp on the market oriented formats like LIVE on the spot reporting, investigative journalism, in depth analysis and LIVE telecast of exclusive content apart from being the Host Broadcaster of important national as well as international coverage.

DD India’s Editorial Policy
          1. Vision

Our vision is to continue being India’s most credible and influential source of news and analysis on global affairs. Through responsible journalism, we strive to become a reliable source of news, providing in-depth analysis and insightful reporting on global events. We aspire to engage a diverse global audience, offering a unique and comprehensive perspective on India’s political, economic, social, and scientific developments.

          1. Mission

Our mission is to deliver reliable, original, and impactful content that fosters global understanding while upholding the highest standards of credibility and journalistic integrity. Empowering viewers worldwide with accurate information especially about India, is our paramount goal.

  III.  Guiding Principles
          1. Editorial Integrity

DD India is committed to highest degree of editorial integrity and will make every effort to ensure that its content satisfies those editorial standards designed to assure trust and credibility.     

          1. Quality   

DD India seeks to provide the highest content quality, fostered by fairness, accuracy and credibility by providing creative and innovative content in an objective manner. DD India will prioritize in-depth reporting and insightful analysis to position itself as India’s most reliable and credible news source.     

          1. Promoting India’s Perspective     

DD India will prioritize presenting India’s perspective on global events, issues, and policies, offering a unique viewpoint to the international audience. The channel will showcase India’s diverse culture, heritage and achievements so as to act as a bridge between India and the world.

          1. Editorial Standards    

These guidelines embody the goals of Editorial Integrity and Quality which DD India aspires to achieve. Content evaluation is an art and not a science. Therefore, content quality must depend on the journalist’s professionalism, independence, honesty, integrity, sound judgment, common sense, open mindedness and ability to contextualize information.

DD India shall strive to achieve the following values-

          1. Fairness & Impartiality

To be impartial, free from any bias, influence, or preference towards any individual, organization, or ideology.

Neither oversimplify complex situations nor camouflage straightforward facts.

Adhere to the principles of transparency and honesty by providing appropriate labels, disclaimers, updates, or other relevant information. 

 Objectivity & Balance

Seek and represent diverse perspectives from various stakeholders to offer a comprehensive understanding of the news.

Refrain from sensationalizing news to garner attention. Report facts objectively without resorting to sensational or dramatic language.

Address a broad range of subjects from a variety of viewpoints.

          1. Accuracy

Seek sources that are independent and unbiased, ensuring that news coverage is free from any undue influence or vested interests.

Attribute information to its source, and be transparent about the origin of news content, except when the source wishes to be unidentified. Avoid using unverified or anonymous sources without clear reasons.

Refrain from plagiarizing content from other news sources. Give proper credit and acknowledgment to original reporters or agencies.

Vigilantly avoid using sources known for spreading misinformation or disinformation. Fact-check information before dissemination.


Promote diverse and independent voices, giving space to perspectives that challenge status-quo.

Encourage journalists and reporters to pursue fearless reporting, uncovering truth even in challenging situations.

Support and promote journalism that exposes corruption, injustice, and wrongdoing.

Highlight stories of courage and resilience, showcasing individuals who make a positive impact on society despite challenges.

          1. Crime, Violence and Terrorism

Refrain from showing violent content solely for shock value or sensationalism.

Graphic and disturbing visuals must be used sparingly and only when essential for the understanding of the news.

Exercise caution in showing violent events, ensuring that the reporting is fair, accurate, and unbiased. Verify information from multiple credible sources before airing.

Refrain from glorifying or romanticizing violence, crime, or terrorism. Ensure that the language and visuals used do not inadvertently glamorize such acts.

Whenever violence is covered, provide adequate context and background information to help viewers understand the reasons and implications behind the events.

          1.   Substance over Technique

Use the technology as a tool to complement and enhance the content, not overshadow it.

Embrace technology to augment the content and engage viewers effectively while preserving the essence of ethical and responsible journalism.

          1. Experimentation and Innovation

Explore new formats, engage with its audience in creative ways, and adapt to changing viewing habits.

Test different content styles, delivery methods and techniques, which can help in discovering what resonates best with the audience.



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Last updated on: 22nd October 2024