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‘Healthy Diet Going Affordable for All’ – dispels the myth that eating healthy is too expensive

September 14, 2023 5:14 PM IST

Health | healthy diet | Affordable diet | vitamins

As the theme of Nutrition Month 2023, “Healthy Diet Going Affordable for All,” takes center stage, it’s important to dispel the myth that eating healthy is too expensive. With a little planning and some smart choices, you can enjoy a nutritious diet without breaking the bank. Here are some practical strategies and tips to help you maintain your health while sticking to a budget.

1. Embrace Plant-Based Proteins:
Plant-based proteins are highly nutritious and generally more affordable than meats and fish. While focusing on plant proteins like beans or tofu so that you can save on cost, increase volume of the meal, and boost nutrition and heartiness.

2. Shop Smart:
Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Munch on a piece of fruit or some nuts before entering the store to avoid impulsive purchases. Purchase foods and snacks that are satiating and filling, such as whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

3. Buy in Bulk:
Opt for purchasing nonperishable staple foods in bulk. This can save you money in the long run and ensure that you always have a supply of essentials like rice, pasta, oats, and dried beans.

4. Practice Mindful Eating:
Eating attentively and practicing mindful eating can help you enjoy your food more and be satisfied with smaller portions. Avoid eating while distracted, as it can lead to overeating and feeling hungry again sooner.

Affordable and Nutritious Vegetables:

1. Pulses (Beans, Peas, Chickpeas, Lentils):
Pulses are not only budget-friendly but also rich in fiber and protein. They provide essential minerals like calcium, potassium, folate, iron, and magnesium. Incorporate them into soups, stews, salads, and more for a well-rounded meal.

2. Potatoes:
Potatoes are a versatile and nutrient-packed root vegetable. When paired with protein and fibrous vegetables, they make for a balanced and satisfying meal. Store them properly, and they can last for several months.

3. Carrots:
Affordable and available year-round, carrots are rich in vitamin A and antioxidants. Use them in salads, soups, stews, or even baked goods for a touch of natural sweetness.

4. Green Cabbage:
Packed with vitamins C and K, green cabbage offers a variety of health benefits. Experiment with different cooking methods like pickling, roasting, or grilling to make this cruciferous vegetable more exciting.

5. Cucumbers:
Enjoy cucumbers raw for a refreshing and hydrating snack. They’re mostly water, making them an excellent choice for staying hydrated. Use them in salads or try a quick stir-fry for a change of pace.

Eating well on a budget is entirely achievable with the right approach. By embracing plant-based proteins, shopping mindfully, buying in bulk, and choosing affordable yet nutritious vegetables, you can maintain a healthy diet without straining your finances. As we celebrate National Nutrition Week, let’s remember that nourishing our bodies doesn’t have to come at a high cost.

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Last updated on: 18th October 2024