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Narendra Modi

India-US strengthen their enduring partnership, joint statement highlights significant progress

September 9, 2023 12:29 PM IST

India | PM Modi | G20 Summit | Joe Biden | United States | Quad Leaders' Summit | India-U.S. collaboration

In a joint statement, India and the United States, under the leadership of President Joe Biden and PM Modi, reaffirmed their close and enduring partnership. The statement highlights the significant progress made since PM Modi’s historic visit to Washington in June 2023, setting the stage for a deeper and more robust relationship between the two nations.

The leaders emphasized the importance of shared values, including freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens. These values underpin the success of both countries and form the bedrock of their relationship.

One key area of collaboration is India’s G20 Presidency, which has demonstrated the forum’s ability to deliver important outcomes. Both leaders committed to furthering sustainable development, multilateral cooperation, and global consensus on inclusive economic policies through the G20. This cooperation includes the reshaping and scaling up of multilateral development banks.

The Quad, a strategic partnership aimed at promoting a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific, remains a cornerstone of India-U.S. collaboration. PM Modi eagerly anticipates hosting the next Quad Leaders’ Summit in 2024. The U.S.’s decision to co-lead the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Pillar on Trade Connectivity and Maritime Transport further solidifies their commitment to the region’s stability and growth.

Global governance, according to President Biden, must be more inclusive and representative. He reaffirmed his support for a reformed UN Security Council with India as a permanent member, welcoming India’s candidature for the UNSC non-permanent seat in 2028-29. Both leaders stressed the need to reform the multilateral system to better reflect contemporary realities, advocating for UN reform, including expanding membership categories in the UN Security Council.

The role of technology in strengthening the strategic partnership was underscored, with ongoing efforts through the India-U.S. Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) to create open, accessible, secure, and resilient technology ecosystems. A midterm review of iCET in September 2023 and a subsequent annual review in early 2024 are planned to maintain momentum.

Space exploration is another area of collaboration, with India’s successful Chandrayaan-3 mission and Aditya-L1 solar mission earning accolades from President Biden. Efforts are underway to establish a Working Group for commercial space collaboration and mount a joint effort to the International Space Station in 2024. Additionally, India and the U.S. are coordinating on planetary defense to protect Earth and space assets.

Both nations recognize the importance of building resilient global semiconductor supply chains. Major investments from companies like Microchip Technology, Inc. and Advanced Micro Devices demonstrate their commitment to this goal.

In the realm of telecommunications, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Bharat 6G Alliance and Next G Alliance, fostering public-private cooperation. Joint Task Forces are also focusing on Open RAN and research in 5G/6G technologies.

India and the U.S. are collaborating in the quantum domain through the Quantum Entanglement Exchange and are expanding research and development efforts in this field. Partnerships between universities and institutions are further strengthening ties in science and technology research.

Efforts to close the gender digital divide are in progress, aligning with the G20’s commitment to halve the digital gender gap by 2030. The Women in the Digital Economy Initiative aims to accelerate progress in this area.

The leaders are committed to deepening the India-U.S. Major Defence Partnership, with a focus on space and AI, as well as defense industrial collaboration. Negotiations for a commercial agreement to manufacture GE F-414 jet engines in India and the completion of a second Master Ship Repair Agreement signify this commitment.

The leaders celebrated the resolution of the last outstanding WTO dispute between India and the United States, demonstrating their commitment to fair trade practices.

Innovation is a driving force in the relationship, with an “Innovation Handshake” agenda under the India-U.S. Commercial Dialogue planned to bring together start-ups, investors, and government officials to foster connections between the two countries’ innovation ecosystems.

Cancer research, prevention, and management collaboration are expanding, with the launch of the India-U.S. Cancer Dialogue in November 2023 and the upcoming U.S.-India Health Dialogue in October 2023.

Both nations are also working together on renewable energy projects and electric mobility to address climate change and energy security needs.

In conclusion, the joint statement reflects the deepening partnership between India and the United States across various domains, emphasizing shared values, mutual interests, and a commitment to addressing global challenges. PM Modi and President Biden are dedicated to realizing their vision for a bright and prosperous future, serving the global good, and contributing to a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific.

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Last updated on: 26th July 2024