Mohan Yadav assumed office as the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday, with the oath-taking ceremony held at Bhopal’s Motilal Nehru Stadium. Deputies Jagdish Devda and Rajendra Shukla were also sworn in during the event.
Distinguished BJP leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde, graced the ceremony.
Following the oath-taking, Yadav is expected to promptly form his cabinet, initiating discussions with key leaders such as BJP State President VD Sharma and Organizational General Secretary Hitanand.
Yadav, a three-time MLA, is recognized for his dedication to family and education. Overcoming financial obstacles, he earned a Ph.D. after completing an M.A. in Political Science. Actively engaged in politics since his role as the president of the Madhav Science College Student Union in 1984, Yadav has steadily climbed the political ladder, serving as the MLA from Ujjain South since 2013 and securing victories in subsequent elections. In the recent polls, he triumphed over Congress candidate Chetan Premnarayan Yadav by a margin of 12,941 votes, accumulating a total of 95,699 votes.