Tiriyani Block of Kumuram Bheem Asifabad district in Telangana has emerged as the frontrunner in the first delta ranking of the Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP) unveiled by NITI Aayog in June 2023. The second position was secured by Kaushambi Block in Kaushambi District, Uttar Pradesh, as per a statement released by NITI Aayog.
Launched on January 7, 2023, the ABP aims to enhance governance and improve the quality of life for citizens in the most challenging and relatively underdeveloped blocks across India. Approximately 500 blocks from 329 districts across 27 states and 4 Union Territories are part of this programme.
The rankings were determined based on the performance and progress of the blocks in achieving key performance indicators (KPIs). This KPI-centric approach is integral to the program’s core strategy, fostering a sense of competitive and cooperative federalism. Notably, this marks the first-ever calculation of block rankings as part of the aspirational blocks programme.
In addition to the ABP rankings, the statement also revealed the rankings for the Aspirational District Programme (ADP) for October 2023. Rayagada in Odisha secured the first position, with Jamui in Bihar coming in second.
Program Strategy and Key Performance Indicators
The program’s strategy revolves around consolidating existing schemes, defining outcomes, and vigilantly monitoring progress. Collaborating with multiple stakeholders, the initiative has identified 40 key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge project advancement. These KPIs, categorized into five themes, formed the basis for calculating the first delta rank based on the progress made during the initial quarter.
The block rankings under the aspirational blocks programme and the aspirational district programme provide a valuable tool to assess progress in governance improvement and enhanced quality of life in underdeveloped regions of India. By pinpointing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, these rankings foster healthy competition and collaboration among states and districts, ultimately contributing to the nation’s overall development.
DD News
December 8, 2023 12:31 PM IST
NITI Aayog | Telangana | Bihar | Tiriyani Block | Kaushambi
NITI Aayog unveils inaugural delta ranking for aspirational blocks programme; Tiriyani Block in Telangana secures top spot
Published by : DD India