The Indian government has issued a stern advisory to media outlets and social media platforms, urging them to exercise caution and refrain from disseminating false or manipulated content related to the upcoming Ram Temple event. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting highlighted the potential for certain unverified, provocative, and fake messages circulating, especially on social media, which could pose a threat to communal harmony and public order.
The advisory underscores the provisions of the Programme Code under the Cable Television Networks Regulation Act, 1995. This code explicitly prohibits the broadcast of any program containing attacks on religions or communities, visuals or words contemptuous of religious groups, or anything that promotes communal attitudes. It also prohibits content that is obscene, defamatory, deliberate, false, and suggestive innuendos likely to incite violence or goes against the maintenance of law and order.
Additionally, the advisory draws attention to the norms of Journalistic Conduct laid down by the Press Council of India under the Press Council Act, 1978, which are also referenced in the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. These norms emphasize the responsibility of the press to avoid publishing inaccurate, baseless, graceless, misleading, or distorted material.
As per these norms, newspapers are duty-bound to ensure that the tone, spirit, and language of any content are not objectionable, provocative, against the unity and integrity of the country, seditious, or designed to promote communal disharmony.
The Ministry explicitly stated that newspapers, private satellite TV channels, and digital media publishers in the news and current affairs domain should exercise restraint and caution. They should refrain from publishing or telecasting any content that may be false, manipulated, or has the potential to disturb communal harmony or public order in the country.
The advisory comes ahead of the Ram Lalla Pran Pratishtha celebration at Ayodhya scheduled for Monday. The government’s proactive approach aims to ensure responsible journalism and prevent the spread of misinformation that could have detrimental effects on societal harmony and public safety.