Saturday, October 19, 2024


Ministry of Panchayati Raj showcases ‘Smart Panchayat’ innovations at vibrant Gujarat global trade show 2024

January 9, 2024 9:08 AM IST

Panchayati Raj Institutions | Gram Manchitra Application | CSCs | SVAMITVA | iNDEXb

Ministry of Panchayati Raj is set to make its debut at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show 2024, organized by the Industrial Exhibition Bureau (iNDEXb), Government of Gujarat. The ministry’s stall is poised to exhibit a range of pioneering initiatives under the banner of ‘Smart Panchayat.’

A highlight of the showcase is the flagship scheme, SVAMITVA, which aims to transform rural landscapes. The stall will feature the innovative ‘Smart Panchayat Bhawan,’ emphasizing the integration of cutting-edge technology to enhance governance at the grassroots level.

Among the key themes, the promotion of eco-friendly energy, particularly solar energy, in Panchayat Bhawans underscores the commitment to sustainable development. The initiative extends to the co-location of Common Service Centres (CSCs) within Gram Panchayat Bhawans, fostering convenience and accessibility.

Residents are set to benefit from the emphasis on digital payments for taxes and fees, promoting a seamless and efficient financial ecosystem within the Panchayats. Additionally, the introduction of the ‘Meri Panchayat Application’ will serve as a comprehensive information platform, offering a one-stop solution for details on Panchayats across the country.

The ‘Gram Manchitra Application’ takes center stage, facilitating spatial planning at the Gram Panchayat level. These transformative technologies not only enhance governance but also open up substantial investment and business opportunities for stakeholders.

Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions will have a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the concept of ‘Smart Panchayat.’ The Ministry, in collaboration with State Governments and other stakeholders, has been tirelessly working towards achieving this vision.

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Last updated on: 19th October 2024