The Union Cabinet on Thursday approved the establishment of International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) with headquarters in India with a one-time budgetary support of Rs.150 crore for a period of five years from 2023-24 to 2027-28.
Acknowledging India’s leading role in conserving tigers, other big cats and many of its endangered species, PM Modi on the occasion of Global Tiger Day, 2019 called for an Alliance of Global Leaders to curb poaching in Asia. While commemorating 50 years of India’s Project Tiger on April 9, 2023, he formally announced the launch of International Big Cat Alliance.
International Big Cat Alliance aiming at securing the future of big cats and landscapes they thrive. India is home to five big cats namely Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow Leopard and Cheetah.
The International Big Cat Alliance has been conceived as a multi-country, multi-agency coalition of 96 big cat range countries, non-range countries interested in big cat conservation, conservation partners and scientific organizations working in the field of big cat conservation besides business groups and corporates willing to contribute to the cause of big cats.
It also aims to establish networks and develop synergies in a focused manner to bring to a common platform a centralized repository of successful practices and personnel, backed by financial support to strengthen the conservation agenda. It is focused at arresting the decline in big cat population.
IBCA aims for mutual cooperation among countries for mutual benefit in furthering the conservation agenda. IBCA would have a multipronged approach in broad basing and establishing linkages manifold in several areas and help in knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking, advocacy, finance and resources support, research and technical support, education and awareness.
The International Big Cat Alliance recognises the importance of integrating biodiversity policies with sustainable development goals (SDGs) to achieve holistic and inclusive conservation outcomes. The aforementioned advocates for policy initiatives that align biodiversity conservation efforts with local needs and contribute towards the attainment of UN SDGs within IBCA member countries.
IBCA governance consists of Assembly of Members, Standing Committee and a Secretariat with its Head Quarter in India. Framework of Agreement (statute) has been drafted largely on the pattern of International Solar Alliance (ISA) and to be finalized by International Steering Committee (ISC). Host Country Agreement prepared on the lines of ISA and Government of India. Steering Committee will be constituted with nominated national focal points of founding member countries. Appointment of DG by MoEFCC as Interim Head of IBCA Secretariat till IBCA appoints its own DG during Assembly meeting. IBCA Assembly at Ministerial level to be chaired by President, HMEFCC, Gol.
The IBCA has secured Government of India’s initial support of Rs.150 crore for five years (2023-24 to 2027-28). For augmented corpus, contributions from bilateral and multilateral agencies; other appropriate institutions and mobilizing financial support from public sector organizations, national and international financial institutions and donor agencies will further be explored.
The Alliance ensures sustainable use of natural resources and mitigates challenges emanating from climate change. By safeguarding big cats and their habitats, the IBCA contributes to natural climate adaptation, water and food security and well-being of thousands of communities reliant on these ecosystems. IBCA would instil cooperation among countries for mutual benefit and immensely contribute in furthering long term conservation agenda.