Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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February 19, 2024 9:38 PM IST

The official state-owned news agency of Nepal Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS) has turned 63 today

By: Sweta Singh/ Kathmandu, All India Radio & Doordarshan

The Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS), the official state-owned news agency of Nepal has turned 63 today. Recently, RSS reformed itself by diversifying its services, publications, training and infrastructure development.

At present, RSS has been providing news services in the Nepali, English and Awadhi languages while it also provides international news of various new agencies, as well as articles, audiovisuals and photographs from 6:00 in the morning to 10:30 at night. RSS reporters are in all 77 districts of Nepal.

In a program organised today in Kathmandu to celebrate the 63rd anniversary, Minister of Communication and ICT Rekha Sharma said that RSS has remained a direct witness of the country’s party-less totalitarian Panchayat regime, restoration of democracy in 2046 BS, establishment of Loktantra following the people’s movement of 2062-063 BS, election of the Constituent Assembly and the historic event of the establishment of Republic Nepal. 
President Ram Chandra Paudel congratulated RSS saying that it should inform the people by disseminating true, factual, impartial and official news at a time when attempts are being made to mislead the people with wrong and fake information.

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Last updated on: 18th February 2025