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Senior BJP leader and PM Modi inaugurates 2550th Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirvan Mahotsav*

April 21, 2024 5:21 PM IST

PM Modi | Bhagwan Mahaveer Jayanti

Senior BJP leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated the 2550th Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirvan Mahotsav on the auspicious occasion of Mahaveer Jayanti at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi. The ceremony witnessed various significant events including paying tributes to Bhagwan Mahaveer’s Murti, a dance drama presentation by school children titled “Vartaman mein Vardhaman,” and the release of a commemorative stamp and coin.

Addressing the audience, PM Modi highlighted the dedication of the youth towards the values of Bhagwan Mahaveer, emphasizing it as a positive sign for the nation’s progress. He expressed gratitude to the Jain community for their guidance and blessings and extended his best wishes to all citizens on Mahaveer Jayanti.

Reflecting on the significance of the event, PM Modi remarked on the timeless relevance of Bhagwan Mahaveer’s teachings and India’s enduring cultural heritage. He emphasized India’s commitment to peace and non-violence on the global stage, showcasing initiatives like Mission LiFE and the International Solar Alliance.

PM Modi also stressed the importance of embracing diversity and fostering dialogue, drawing attention to philosophies like Anekantavada and Syadvada. He highlighted India’s cultural image, growing capabilities, and foreign policy efforts, positioning India as a global leader in promoting harmony and sustainability.

Furthermore, PM Modi underscored the integral role of spirituality in India’s modernity, stating, “For India, modernity is its body, spirituality is its soul.” He urged the nation to follow the teachings of Bhagwan Mahaveer and reaffirmed his commitment to working for the future of the nation.

The ceremony was attended by Union Minister of Law and Justice (IC) and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs & Culture, Arjun Ram Meghwal, along with other dignitaries and saints from the Jain community.

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