Kathmandu District Court has issued an arrest warrant against Rastriya Swatantra Party President Rabi Lammichchane and former DIG Chhabi Lal Joshi for their alleged role in the misappropriation of Swarnalaxmi multipurpose Cooperatives, Kalimati.
Former Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister in the Dahal government, Rabi Lamichchane, was quizzed by Kaski Police and Butwal Police for alleged involvement in the misappropriation of cooperative funds.
He is accused of misappropriating cooperative funds while holding posts on the board of Directors in Gorkha Media Network, which ran Galaxy TV. The Gorkha Media Network is alleged to have received NPR 655.40 million from five cooperatives-Supreme, Sahara, Sanopaila, Surya Darshan and Swarnalaxmi cooperatives.
By Sweta Singh (Kathmandu)