The Ministry of Home Affairs on Monday assigned senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Vitul Kumar the officiating charge for the post of Director General of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) following the retirement of the incumbent force chief, Anish Dayal Singh, on Tuesday.
Kumar, a 1993-batch IPS officer from the Uttar Pradesh cadre, is currently serving as the special director general of the CRPF.
According to an office memorandum issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, he will hold the position until a regular appointment is made or until further orders, whichever comes earlier.
The official order stated, “The competent authority has approved the assignment of the officiating charge for the post of Director General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), to Vitul Kumar, IPS (UP:93), Special Director General, CRPF, upon the superannuation of Anish Dayal Singh, IPS (MA:88), on Tuesday, until the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders, whichever is earlier.”
Born on August 3, 1968, in Bhatinda, Punjab, Vitul Kumar holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics.
Throughout his career, he has held various key positions within the police force.
He was promoted to Deputy Inspector General (DIG) on February 9, 2009; Inspector General (IG) on December 31, 2012; and Additional Director General (ADG) on January 1, 2018. In September 2024, he was appointed as Special Director General of the CRPF.
Kumar’s distinguished service has earned him several awards and honors, including the President’s Police Medal (PPM) on January 26, 2021, and the Police Medal (PM) on August 15, 2009.
He was also awarded the Director General’s Commendation Disc in Silver on January 26, 2016, and in Gold on January 26, 2018.
Kumar will serve as the officiating Director General of the CRPF until a permanent replacement is appointed.
His tenure as Special Director General and now as acting head of the CRPF highlights his extensive experience and leadership within India’s largest paramilitary force.
(With an input from ANI)