The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted raids at 16 locations across Tamil Nadu on Tuesday as part of an ongoing probe into ISIS-linked radicalisation activities. The searches, which began early in the morning, targeted suspected hideouts linked to individuals accused of promoting ISIS ideology and recruitment efforts, according to sources.
The operation aims to gather evidence against those believed to be involved in spreading extremist views and supporting terror activities. The investigation has been ongoing following inputs about organised attempts to radicalise youth and recruit members for ISIS from the state.
This latest action is tied to a case registered last year after investigations uncovered links to ISIS supporters.
The NIA’s focus on ISIS-linked activities in Tamil Nadu dates back to incidents such as the ISIS-inspired car bomb blast in Coimbatore in October 2022. Following that attack, three individuals were arrested on October 21 for allegedly financing the terror plot. The agency later charged four others in a related radicalisation case.
(Inputs from ANI)