Saturday, July 27, 2024

May 14, 2024 3:54 PM

Asia to contribute 60% of global growth in 2024: IMF official

Asia continues to power ahead as the engine of the global economy, with the region expected to contribute a massive 60% to world growth in 2024, a senior International Monetary Fund (IMF) official stated on Monday. Speaking at the 13th IMF-Japan Hig...

March 1, 2024 12:23 PM

Asia’s factories struggle for growth as China, Japan falter

Asia's major manufacturing economies struggled to claw their way out of decline in February with Japan particularly squeezed by a steeper fall in demand while an uneven recovery in China overshadowed some signs of improvement elsewhere in the region....

August 9, 2023 12:31 PM

FEDA hosts International Education Summit in Dubai

The Federation of Economic Development Association (FEDA) hosted the International Education Summit & Conference 2023 at Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) in Dubai. The event was attended by more than 120 participants from various academic...

August 8, 2023 3:04 PM

Morgan Stanley ranks India highest in Emerging Markets List

Morgan Stanley, the global brokerage giant, has recently redefined its stance on Indian markets, upgrading Indian stocks from "equal weight" position to "overweight" rating. In the recently released report, India has proudly ascended to the pinnacle ...

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Last updated on: 26th July 2024