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Climate Change

December 13, 2023 12:45 PM IST

climate change | COP28

Second draft of the Global Climate Action Proposal unveiled at COP28: urgent measures to combat climate change

The President of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Paris Agreement has presented the second draft of the comprehensive proposal detailing the results of the inaugural global stocktake(GST) and offering directives for future climate initiatives.  The document underscores the pressing need to confront climate change and biodiversity loss cohesively, emphasizing the vital role of safeguarding nature and ecosystems in achieving effective and sustainable climate action. The first draft of the first-ever GST faced severe criticism owing to a lack of firm commitments on phasing out fossil fuels.

Recalling key provisions of the Paris Agreement, the second draft emphasizes the imperative for nations to communicate and uphold successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) every five years. It stresses the importance of domestic mitigation measures and urges each NDC to surpass the current contribution, reflecting the highest attainable ambition. Additionally, the proposal calls for transparency in reporting and accounting for emissions and removals according to specific guidelines.

The document outlines a series of measures aimed at transitioning away from fossil fuels and coal in energy systems and reducing emissions from road transport. These measures include:

1. A just, orderly, and equitable transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
2. Accelerating the development and deployment of zero- and low-emission technologies in challenging sectors, such as renewables, nuclear, carbon capture and utilization, and low-carbon hydrogen production.
3. Phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that do not address energy poverty or ensure just transitions.
4. Intensifying efforts to phase down unabated coal power.
5. Speeding up the reduction of emissions from road transport through infrastructure development and the rapid deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles.

These measures aim to align with the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement and urgently address the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and coal to mitigate climate change.

The proposal underscores the critical role of multilateralism and international cooperation in addressing global challenges, particularly in the context of the Paris Agreement’s implementation. While acknowledging progress in mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation and support, it highlights that Parties collectively are not on track to achieve the Paris Agreement’s long-term goals.

Reiterating the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement, the proposal emphasizes the need for accelerated financial support for developing countries to enable effective climate action. It also addresses the importance of managing risks, responding to loss and damage associated with climate change impacts, and minimizing negative economic and social effects of response measures.

Furthermore, the document outlines activities to enhance international cooperation, stimulate ambition in the next round of NDCs, and keep the 1.5°C temperature goal within reach. It calls for a dialogue on implementing global stocktake outcomes, a high-level ministerial dialogue on scaling up adaptation finance, and the doubling of climate finance for adaptation to developing countries by 2025.

The proposal encourages the scientific community to continue enhancing knowledge on adaptation and climate change impacts, urging alignment with global stocktakes. It also calls on relevant bodies under the Paris Agreement to integrate global stocktake outcomes into their future work.

In summary, the document provides a detailed overview of the outcomes of the first global stocktake, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced climate action, international cooperation, and financial support to address climate change and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. It also outlines specific guidance and activities to facilitate the preparation and communication of successive NDCs, enhance understanding and action on loss and damage, and stimulate ambition in the next round of NDCs.

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Last updated on: 15th February 2025