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DD International

Mexico sends buses for migrants as thousands reach U.S. Border daily

October 3, 2023 4:47 PM IST

Mexico | U.S | Oaxaca | Juchitan | U.S.-Mexico border

In a rapidly evolving situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, several hundred migrants in southern Mexico have been awaiting buses northward as part of a new government program designed to manage the influx of people reaching the border. This development comes as Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador revealed that a staggering 10,000 people have been arriving at the U.S. border daily.

At a bus terminal in the city of Juchitan, located in Oaxaca state, some migrants expressed their intention to enter the U.S. through appointments secured via a U.S. government app called CBP One, with the hope of requesting asylum upon arrival. Approximately 400 individuals, including families with young children, gathered at the terminal, awaiting buses bound for the state capital or Mexico City. This initiative was launched by Oaxaca officials to reduce the risks associated with migrants congregating in large numbers at local bus terminals while attempting to purchase tickets for their journey north.

It is worth noting that migrants are required to cover their own travel expenses, and some individuals mentioned that they were awaiting money transfers from relatives or seeking employment opportunities to raise the necessary funds.

President Lopez Obrador, speaking at his morning press conference, provided alarming statistics, stating that roughly 6,000 people are entering southern Mexico daily, with last week seeing a staggering 10,000 migrants reaching the U.S.-Mexico border daily.

In another part of the world, Spain faced its own migrant-related challenges. A group of 58 migrants, including nine women and 49 men, were rescued after being stranded overnight approximately 145 kilometers off the Canary Islands. These migrants were safely transferred to Arguineguin port on the island of Gran Canaria, where they received assistance from Red Cross workers. The Atlantic migration route, known for its deadly risks, is frequently used by migrants from sub-Saharan Africa attempting to reach Europe, particularly during the summer months when weather conditions are more favorable. Spanish government data revealed a 19.8% increase in the number of arrivals in the Canary Islands between January and September 30 compared to the same period the previous year.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, huntsmen have been preparing for the quail migration season by setting up hundreds of nets along the coastline to catch and sell these birds as a valuable addition to the local menu. Quails migrating from Europe to the Middle East provide a seasonal source of income for some unemployed Gazans. Locally-grown quails are sold for around five shekels ($1.3) per pair, while migrant birds can fetch up to 20 shekels ($5.2), offering a vital supplementary income in a region where unemployment is alarmingly high, especially among the youth.

Lastly, reports from the U.S.-Mexico border have raised concerns about the treatment of migrants. Eyewitness video captured a man in a Texas National Guard uniform yelling at migrants as they attempted to crawl under a barbed wire fence on the U.S. side of the Rio Bravo River, which separates Mexico and the United States. The video showed the man berating the migrants, further highlighting the tense situation at the border. Texas officials have not yet provided a response to these reports.

The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and the broader issue of migration continue to be pressing concerns, both for the nations involved and the migrants seeking better lives and opportunities. The dynamics of migration, the challenges faced by those on the move, and the responses of governments remain subjects of global interest and debate.


(inputs from Reuters)

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Last updated on: 27th July 2024